East Chicago ~ Indiana
With Pictures by George M. Richards
New York
The Macmillan Company
You will want to read some more stories about the people whom you meet in this book. There are several books in which you may find stories of each group of people whom you will meet. You probably cannot read everything in them, but you will like to look at the pictures and to read parts. The names of these books will be given only once, but you must remember to look in them again and again as you meet new people.
In this group of books are:
Here are some other books in which you can find stories of the people of the Dawn Age:
The Early Cave-Men -- Katherine E. Dopp
The Later Cave-Men -- Katherine E. Dopp
In the Beginning -- Eva V. I. Erleigh
How the World Grew Up -- Grace Kiner
The First Days of Man -- Frederic Arnold Kummer
Man’s Long Climb -- Marion F. Lansing
Dan-Hur and the First Farmers -- William L. Nida
Taming the Animals -- William K. Nida
From Then till Now -- Julia Augusta Schwartz
How the Present Came from the Past, Book One -- Margaret E. Wells
George M. Richards illustration of life on the Nile in ancient Egypt. |
If you are a very good reader, you will like Long Ago in Egypt, by Louise Lamprey.
An easy book is Inventions and Discoveries of Ancient Times, by William L. Nida.
Look also in these books:
How the Present Came from the Past, Book Two -- Margaret E. Wells
Man’s Long Climb -- Marion F. Lansing
From Then Till Now -- Julia Augusta Schwartz
The Princess Runs Away -- Alice W. Howard
The First Days of Knowledge -- Frederic Arnold Kummer
If you like to look at pictures, you will enjoy seeing A First Bible, by J. W. Maury, with pictures by Helen Sewell.
You can find very good stories of the Hebrews in The Garden of Eden, by George Hodges.
If you read well, try Metten of Tyre, by Helena Carus. This is the story of a little Phoenician boy.
Look for new stories in these books:
Man’s Long Climb -- Marion F. Lansing
In the Beginning -- Eva V. I. Erleigh
The First Days of Knowledge -- Frederic Arnold Kummer
{Ancient Greece}
You will find the stories of the Iliad and the Odyssey told for you in two books:
The Iliad for Boys and Girls, by Alfred F. Church
The Odyssey for Boys and Girls, by Alfred F. Church
An easy and interesting story which tells much of how people lived is Theras and His Town, by Caroline Dale Snedeker.
Two books which you will enjoy if you read well are:
Look for the story of Cleon, the Greek boy, in Ten Boys Who Lived on the Road from Long Ago to Now, by Jane Andrews.
{Roman Empire}
You should look for easy stories about the Romans in these books:
In the Beginning, by Eva V. I. Erleigh
Mighty Men, by Eleanor Farjeon
Look for the story of Horatius, the Roman boys, in Ten Boys Who Lived on the Road from Long Ago to Now, by Jane Andrews.
Some books in which you can find other stories of the Romans are:
The Story of the Romans, by Helene Adeline Guerber
Two books in which you may find some of the old German myths and legends are:
Siegfried and Beowulf, by Zenaide A. Ragozin
Sons of the Volsungs, by Dorothy Grant Hosford
In Ten Boys Who Lived on the Road from Long Ago to Now, by Jane Andrews, you will find a story of a Saxon boy who helped to make England.
{Middle Ages}
Two books which good readers will enjoy are A Little Shepherd of Provence and Gabriel and the Hour Book. Both are written by Evaleen Stein.
Look in Ten Boys Who Lived on the Road from Long Ago to Now, by Jane Andrews, for the story of a little page of the Middle Ages.
Behind the Battlements, by Gertrude Linnell, is an interesting story about life in a castle in those times.
You will find stories of the Crusades in these books:
Page, Esquire and Knight, a Book of Chivalry, by Marion F. Lansing
From Then Till Now, by Julia Augusta Schwartz
The Prince and the Page, by Charlotte Yonge
Stories of Our European Forefathers, by Henry Smith Chapman