Thursday, October 3, 2013

Used Book Report

I used to go fishing with dynamite at the $1 Bookstore so I stopped doing these "treasure!!" posts, but now that store is gone and the Goodwill always disappoints, so the pickin's have lately been slim.

But today, while doing a weird errand for Wikipedia (because I'm weird), I stumbled upon a very unique junk shop in an unexpected part of town. I came home with a bag of overripe fruit (the guy insisted!) and all these books.

Provensen (x2), Parents Magazine Press (x2), a grip of vintage Golden Press, Anne Sellers Leaf (what can I say, I like her cherry-cheeked, sanitized nursery rhymes fairy tales!), an OOP Mercer Mayer monster book from the 1970s, a Tresselt-Weisgard collaboration I'd never heard of before, and lots more.

I turned the overripe fruit into banana bread and I'm absolutely delighted with the books.